
Yangshuo is a very small and a scenic country surrounded by several karst mountains and has beautiful scenery near the city Guilin, Guangxi. This place is very much famous among the tourist from all over the world. Yangshuo has incredible scenery, rivers, beautiful mountains, temples and caves and is also laid back bars and cafes.




Yangshuo cannot be considered as a typical town of China and do not have look and feel of the most of the other cities of china. This means that it is free from air and noise pollution, very clean and away from massive traffic chaos. It is a perfect vacation town having wonderful restaurants and shops in accordance with the standards of mainland China. Yangshuo is reputed as the foreigners’ village in the southern China and is one of the major stops of many independent travelers. It is also good place for stopping and exploring the local countryside by bike or you can try the world class rock climbing sites.

This town has been laid out roughly like the ladder. Two of the main tourist streets run almost parallel from the river and end at one of the larger street of town. There are smaller streets or rungs which cross between two larger streets. The ladder vertical street on the left is clearly seen from the river is the West street called Xijie and is a famous and established tourist street and the real center of wide variety of things. The other famous tourist street is Diecuilu.

There is also a small creek running down from the center of the ladder having some prettiest restaurants and bars of the town. This street is called as the Geisha Lu and has recently undergone through the heavy rebuilding. It has many new shops, restaurants and bars.



At the foot of the ladder, there is an open area with a good number of vendors hawking all kinds of tourist stuffs, both the handcrafts and from shops. You can also find a good number of riverside hotels. There is a major street called pantao Rd which is having many hotels across the top of the ladder. The main bus station of the town meets street called Die Cui Lu which is at the corner. This has a large open are which becomes busy at night having dozens of restaurants with many diners. You can get only Chinese dish here.


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